Wednesday 31 January 2018

Business Profiles on Instagram Can Now Schedule Posts

Starting now, business profiles on Instagram can begin scheduling posts, allowing for better management of their “organic presence.”

To get started, let’s say you manage a company’s Instagram account. Via marketing partners, you can view a schedule of sorts that can then be filled with predetermined content. If you want a specific post up at a specific time, you can now just schedule it. If engagement is high around a certain time every day, you’ll no longer need to set aside time during that time to make a post. Instead, just schedule it from now on.

While scheduling posts will be most beneficial, Instagram is also adding the ability for business profiles to view public content that they are mentioned or tagged in, as well as view other business profiles.

What’s New for Business Profiles

  • Schedule posts to be published on Instagram through a Facebook Marketing Partner
  • View public media they are mentioned or tagged in
  • View other business profiles

Have at it, social media managers.

// Instagram

Business Profiles on Instagram Can Now Schedule Posts is a post from: Droid Life

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